AIIMS Problem Statement:-

All India Institute of Medical Sciences is an autonomous institution of national importance the most important function of the Institute is to provide opportunities for training teachers for medical colleges in the country in an atmosphere of research and enquiry.
With the immense and diverse daily work execution of the Organization, it was very difficult for them to monitor, track and manage the job applications for Faculty Recruitment.


✔ No single window system where all the Application can be checked at single place
✔ No proper instruction or no any such fixed format or pattern for candidate to apply for Job.
✔ No set of instructions for the Applicant
✔ No monitoring mechanism for the Job Applications
✔ No mechanism to analyse & compare the Applicant profiles


We introduced the recruitment process digitization in AIIMS. A system was developed including Web Application from where Applicant can easily apply for the Job.


With the Technical support of TekIT Software Solutions, AIIMS has taken an initiative to digitalize the recruitment process and providing an interface to the applicants for submitting the Job Application Online.
An Administrative Panel is also provided for the department officials where they can track the Applicants, view Applications and generate different types of reports.

Some basic key points:
Region: India
Industry: All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Time duration: 3 Months
Team: UX & UI experts, DBA, Web Developers, Project Coordinator, Project Manager, Business Analyst & QA.
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AIIMS is ecstatic as the organization got the complete monitoring and tracking of Job Applications. This solution reduced the efforts upto quite extent and ultimately increased the overall efficiency of the department.
We are delighted for being the part of this digital initiative of AIIMS. TekIT Team is always ready with their keen knowledge and expertise for delivering excellent technology solutions.

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